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Network Management Policy

The following disclosure describes the network practices, performance characteristics and commercial terms for Agate Networks pursuant to the Federal Communications Commission’s Open Internet Transparency requirements in 47C.F.R §8.3 

Network Blocking 

Agate is in compliance with all FCC rules related to network management. Agate will not participate in practices that block or otherwise prevents an end user access to lawful content, applications, service, or non-harmful devices, including a description of what is blocked. Subscriber blocking is reserved for the following: Unlawful activity, non-adherence to reasonable usage, spamming, non-payment, content infected with a virus or bot net, practices which affect network performance for other customers, and anything that degrades or may be harmful to the network or other customers. 


Agate will not engage in any practice (other than reasonable network management policies elsewhere disclosed) that degrades, intentionally slows network speeds for certain content or subscription levels or impairs access to lawful Internet traffic based on content, application, service, user, or use of a non-harmful device, including a description of what is throttled. 

Affiliated and/or Paid Prioritization 

Agate will not directly or indirectly favor some traffic over other traffic, including through use of techniques such as traffic shaping, prioritization, or resource reservation, in exchange for consideration, monetary or otherwise, or to benefit an affiliate, including identification of the affiliate. 

Agate currently does not engage in any other congestion management that reduces the capacity available to particular services or customers. Our service traffic is prioritized to ensure quality and functionality. As our network technologies and usage of the network continue to evolve, we reserve the right to implement a new congestion management system, if necessary, in the performance of reasonable network management and in order to maintain a good broadband Internet access service experience for our customers and will provide updates here as well as other locations if a new system is implemented. 

Application-Specific Behavior 

(If applicable,) Agate will not block or rate-control specific protocols or protocol ports, modify protocol fields in ways not prescribed by the protocol standard, or otherwise inhibit or favor certain applications or classes of applications. 

Device Attachment Rules 

Any standard computer or internet access device is permitted to the extent it does not cause a degradation of internet traffic within the network or to others. Agate reserves the right to set additional standards and rules as warranted. 


Agate reserves the right to employ a number of practices by any lawful means it deems appropriate to protect the integrity of its network and resources. To further protect the security of Agate's customers and help prevent unwanted communication such as SPAM, Agate takes steps which may include SPAM detection techniques, e-mail virus scanning, denying e-mail from certain domains that are commonly used to launch malicious attacks or steal a customer’s information, and putting limits on the number of emails sent/received in a given amount of time. 

Performance Characteristics 

Service Description: Agate provides a detailed summary of its Internet service performance containing information about speed and latency, as well as other related topics. Agate has always prided itself on providing state-of-the-art broadband services at the highest possible speeds.  Agate's broadband Internet access service consistently delivers at or above the "provisioned" speed for the particular service tier. The performance of a customer's Internet connected device, including its age, memory, processing capability, its operating system, the number of applications running simultaneously, and the presence of any malware or viruses has an effect on your Internet connected device's ability to communicate with the Internet. Often, increasing the amount of memory (RAM) in your Internet connected device can have a positive effect on how quickly your Internet connected device can communicate with the Internet. You should make sure you are running the most up-to-date operating system your Internet connected device can handle (with all available patches installed) to maximize your connection speeds. 

Commercial Terms 

Pricing: Agate's broadband Internet access services may be subject to promotional rates.  Additional fees, such as for equipment rental, installation, and early termination, may apply. For information about pricing and fees for Agate's tiers of service and all its services, please visit the Agate website at

Redress Options 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your Agate service, you may contact customer service by calling 1-719-764-2578 or stop in and see us. We are open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. We are closed on Friday. For technical support, please click the CALL TECH SUPPORT button on our website for contact information or visit The FCC has established procedures for addressing informal and formal complaints regarding broadband service. For information, you can contact the FCC by phone at 1-888-225-5322, online at or online at

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